Friday, April 8, 2011


When you’re standing at a bus stop for far too long and you have no idea whether the bus passed by earlier than schedule or if it’s just extremely late, would you say that ignorance is bliss or just really, really annoying?

Well, considering the popularity of—the handy site that tracks your buses and their estimated time of arrival to all stops—I’d bet you’re more likely to be standing at that bus shelter with a frown on your face than a smile. If you haven’t checked out NextBus, I would recommend giving it a try so you never again have to stand in the cold, wracked with will it/won’t it questions. And instead, you’ll know exactly when the bus is coming in real-time and plan accordingly.

How Fucked Is Muni? is a site inspired by Is the L Train Fucked? which tells New Yorkers if the L Train is late enough for them to splurge on a cab ride home. HFIM combines the L Train model with real-time technology to tell you how delayed your ride is. So instead of waiting impatiently for your late bus, now you can know exactly how fucked you are because of Muni.

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